Rock"n"Roll ve všech podobách, chutích a stáří. Tak to má být!
2. května přijedou do Crossu časem prověřené party The Zips, průkopníci punku 77 ze Skotska a The Lombego Surfers včele s kytarovou legendou Tonym!
Kamarádi John McNeil a Brian Jackson pocházející z Glasgow se v devětasedmdesátém roce nechali inspirovat vlnou punku 77´ a na troskách kapely Road Angel společně s Joem Jaconellim a Philem Mullenem založili The Zips. Kapela se hned od počátku stala katalyzátorem v podhoubí tamějšího undergroundu a vydala dva singly The Zips (1979) a Radioactivity (1980). S novou vlnou neoromantismu pak kapela ustupuje „ze slávy“, ale stejně vystupuje před kapelami jako The Lulkers, U.K. Subs, 999 atd. Nevlastní otci punku, jak si The Zips sami přezdívají, ještě každoročně pořádají akci na podporu odkazu Joe Strummera z The Clash v klubu King Tuts v domovském městě Glasgow. Na svém vlastním labelu Tenement Toons vydali 5 alb a singlů.
nejsou žádní kalifornští plážoví povaleči, ale řádní a opravdoví voodoo rockoví dříči s těma nejchutnějšíma riffama od dob Iggyho Stoogies. Frontman Anthony je pro nás opravdovou rockovou legendou, muž, který patří na stage a skvělý kytarista. Pro ty šikovné co umí německy je tady i dokument Tony, You Rock! vimeo.com/188962762 (nechce někdo udělat cz titulky?). Lombego Surfers budou na turné ke svému novému albu Heading Out, které bude pokřtěno v dubnu a jejich zastávka v pražském klubu Cross bude jediná v ČR.
+ hosté / guests
Seven [Uprise Audio] - UK
As a taste-maker and curator, Seven holds-true to his craft as a creator and selector of some of the most recognisable music within dubstep and beyond. From his early beginnings with Ram Records to backing a collective of pioneering releases, including praised debut ‘Siren’ on Tempa Records and founding the unmistakeable Uprise Audio, his momentum appears unstoppable.
Diving in head first many moons ago with guest spots on Rinse FM with Youngsta and N-Type, Seven was quickly noted as a face to watch out for, continuing to emerge at some of the most reputable stages for years to come, including Contact at Fabric in London and Outlook Festival, as well as holding down a respected radio spot on Sub FM. With his releases on esteemed labels Wheel and Deal, Subway, Tempa and Black Box topping charts and leaving a sizeable trail, his seriously fresh and captivating LP ‘Evolution’, which received a feature on Mixmag for best album, and self-titled audio movie ‘Seven’ justified his stance as an artist and saw his international reach magnify. Adding to his already substantial roster, breakout track ‘Walter White’, released on Uprise Audio in 2013 continues to shake crowds worldwide. In 2017 we saw the release of his latest musical incantation, his third album titled ’11:11’. It was met with critical acclaim and stormed the sales charts cementing his position within the dubstep ranks as a major player and contributor to the scene.
Bringing a consistently rich musical profile to the table not only through his music but in shaping a forceful label artist base with Uprise, his recent tours in the USA have been filling rooms and feeding hungry sound systems with magnetic and gripping sets that generate an emotion fueled by a passion for bringing quality music to the light.
With sights on continuing the expansion of a sound in demand and bringing the undefined into focus, Seven is laying down roots where few dare to go.
ASAP Jarda & Casablanca [Opak Dissu Label]
Markee Ledge [Tempa / Uprise / Artikal / Normal] - UK
Kletis [Normal]
Slowmotion [Acid Movement / Normal]
(3 Deck UK Discovery / Anthem Set)
Evil Boy [Normal]
Mosqa [Acid Movement / Normal]
Elia [Acid Movement / Normal]
Karpa [Acid Movement]