Rok 2020 budiž rokem zrození nové noci s názvem Cross Temple. Noc, která tě nechá se unášet přes hranice žánrů současné elektronické hudby. K jedinečnému zážitku svou troškou přispějí sety od dvou berlínských djs Sebo K a Minco. Minco má kořeny v Africe a je to na jejím hraní dost dobře znát, navíc je královnou momentů zvaných twist, neboli nečekaných zvratů v setech. Jedinečná směs soulfull a deep hudby kolem 120 bpm ji právem vynesla množství bookingů nejen v Evropě, Americe a na Středním východě. Sebo K začal svoje pestré sety plné junglu a breakbeatu už v raných devadesátkách a propracoval se k residentuře v berlínském vyhlášeném podniku Watergate. Remixoval Ninu Kravitz či Martyna a se svojí nocí Scenario objíždí kluby po celé Evropě. Provozuje i vinyl only label se shodným názvem a jeho směs starého i nového je prostě legendární. Tyto hosty podpoří ve dvouhodinovém setu jeden z nejlepších producentů u nás Roman Rai s neméně důležitým live performerem na saxík Filipem Markesem. Lineup doplní Pat Heart a Hanz Seen. Underground stage ovládne parta Deep Beat Avatgarde ve složení Dj Sta, Ol-Wiz a jejich velevážený host z Madridu Javi Frias ze značky Night Shift Records.
Sebo K (DE)
Sebo K is a unique and influential figure within Berlin’s densely populated music community; both crowd-pleasing and credible, he is a bona fide tastemaker who distinguishes himself by exploring the connective threads between classic sound from Chicago and Detroit, Deep House, Techno and rolling percussive grooves. Sebo K launched his DJ career in early-90s Berlin playing on the city’s first UK-style breakbeat and Jungle nights. By the middle of the decade Sebo K had fallen under the spell of stateside artists like Mood II Swing and Boo Williams and his growing love for Chicago and NYC House began to reveal itself within his club appearances throughout the city. Sebo K has been a resident DJ for internationally renowned Berlin club Watergate since 2002. Through his own SCENARIO nights that take place in clubs all over Europe and his relentless international touring schedule, a growing legion of fans both close to home and further afield has been captivated by his unique mix of the old and the new. Instant Classic tracks like "Rancho Relaxo" with Anja Schneider, "Diva", "Moved" feat. Prosumer and his Remixes for Nina Kraviz or Martyn established him as a worldwide renowned producer. He has recently released music on Rekids, where he also released his debut album, Bass Culture, Ovum and his own vinyl only label Scenario Music which he started in 2015. By involving Artists like Javonntte and DJ Honesty aswell as Janeret and The Willers Brothers on his label, he continues following his path of combining the Oldschool with the Newschool.
Minco (DE)
MINCO’s taste and choices are influenced by the legacy of her African roots.
Her sets emerge through the relationship between the spontaneous inner child and technically precise and seasoned musician.
Behind the decks MINCO plays music from the source of unshakable presence carried through percussive energies, powerful and expressive groove. With a background in dance, movement is at the core of her artistic expression. Her enthusiasm and spontaneity leave no space for boredom and make her sets irresistibly joyful.
Her eclectic taste and House Music sets “with a twist” has made her an in-demand act touring across Europe, Africa, the Americas and the Middle East. Coming to hear and see MINCO play is a unique experience taking you on a danceable inner-journey of a soulful and deep feeling.
Hanz Seen
21:00 - 23:00 Hanz Seen
23:00 - 1:00 Roman Rai feat. Filip Markes
01:00 - 2:30 Minco (DE)
02:30 - 4:00 Sebo K (DE)
4:00 - 7:00 Pat Heart
VJs temple art by Foton X
Javi Frias (SPA)
Elent 2.0
21:00 - 23:00 / Elent 2.0
23:00 - 00:30 / Ol-Wiz
00:30 - 02:00 / DJ Sta
02:00 - 04:00 / JAVI FRIAS
04:00 - ??:00 / DJ Sta & Ol-Wiz