Vídenští le_mol se pohybují ve sférách post-rocku, artrocku a ambientu. Multinstrumentální duo Raimunda Schlagera and Sebastiana Götzendorfera si vytváří zbytek kapely z loopu a efektů. le-mol sdíleli stage s kapelami, jakými jsou MONO, God is an Astronaut nebo Maybeshewill.
le_mol zahrají v Praze v rámci jejich evropského turné společne s lokální post-rockovou kapelou The New Horizons.
The New Horizons, post-rocková formace z Prahy, města, které zabilo Pluto jako planetu. The New Horizons kombinují zádumčivé pasáže z temného vesmíru s optimismem a krásou vesmírných mlhovin.
Le_Mol (AT)
For four records and one EP le_mol have been refining their instrumental rock style somewhere between noisy post-rock, artrock and ambient soundscapes. The self appointed loop-orchestra imitates a whole band by means of multiple loop stations.
le_mol was founded by Raimund Schlager and Sebastian Götzendorfer in 2012.
The duo gained some attention in the post-rock scene with their releases and have managed to fascinate audiences with their live shows. Here the multi instrumentalists use multiple loopstations and effect pedals to build loop-tracks over which they then build their songs and improvisations.
The duo has toured Central Europe, sharing stages with bands like MONO, God is an Astronaut, Maybeshewill, The Twilight Sad, pg.lost and many more.
the post-rock band from Prague, the city that demoted Pluto as a planet. The New Horizons blend contemplative passages from the dark cosmos with the optimism and beauty of celestial nebulae.
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