Ve středu 15.11. proběhne v cross klubu psytrance free party Bio Cross - Live.
Pozvání přijal producent I - One z Brna. Na akci zahraje pod názvem SHIVATRANCE PROJECT.
Ivan Jašek je skladatel, multiinstumentalista a zpěvák ze skupiny Shivanam.
Jeho sety jsou pestré spektrum zvuků, harmonií, beatu a mixů. Jako I - ONE vydává tracky pod labelem Cosmicleaf Records z Řecka.
Poprvé na akci zahraje svůj noční psytrance dj Synthara z Portugalska.
Akci doplní Electro Druid a Ondrej Psyla.
// ENG //
On Wednesday 15.11. the psytrance free party Bio Cross - Live will take place in the cross club.
The producer I - One from Brno accepted the invitation. He will perform at the event under the name SHIVATRANCE PROJECT.
Ivan Jašek is a composer, multi-instrumentalist and singer from the band Shivanam.
His sets are a diverse spectrum of sounds, harmonies, beats and mixes. As I - ONE, he releases tracks under the Cosmicleaf Records label from Greece.
For the first time at the event, dj Synthara from Portugal will play his night psytrance.
The event will be completed by Electro Druid and Ondřej Psyla.
I One - LIVE
Synthara Portugal
synthara · Synthara - Fight The Odds 150
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